-一個生活在泰國的台灣人 閒暇時喜歡做菜, 看書, 唱歌, 拍照, 打球(越來越少了...)

-我的AZ上菜系列都非常驚悚, 慎入!

最近喜歡攝影 但文字枯竭

總之 很普通

目前分類:專屬97 (8)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要



人的一生若是沒有夢想那會是可悲的 本屆的畢業公演讓我們有了一個小小的夢想,而整個班級大部分的人也都願意同心協力達成這個目標 在合作的過程中不免會面臨困難也難免會有意見的分歧在這當中有效的溝通是不可或缺的 唯有透過不斷的溝通的和適當的抒發方能在最合諧的情況下將所有人團結在一起進而達成目標   

當舞台的燈光暗去幃幕落下時我們褪下了臉上的妝忘記了過去的爭執 我們好好地檢視了這一年來我們努力的成果需改善的部份以及可能進步的空間 當然我們也不忘給所以有認真參與的同學大大的掌聲



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不得志的二線戲劇評論家母恩明月(Moon),和前輩 飛鳥 (Birdboot)在倫敦的某劇院裡觀賞一齣偵探劇。


在富有寡婦的鄉間莊園外,濃霧瀰漫,不知名的危險瘋漢在附近逃亡,卻沒人發現家中有一具無名屍體。 一個單純的下午茶,卻被一個介入女人間三角關係的花花公子,以及突然出現的正直探長給攪亂。  




An ambitious second-string theatrical critic, Moon, is watching a mystery play with predecessor and first-string critic Birdboot in London. In the play, an afternoon tea at a wealthy widow’s country manor is disturbed by the treacherous fog of the region. While the heavy mist continually devours the mansion, a dangerous madman approaches the area. A murder has already happened within the manor, though its residents remain completely ignorant of the existence of the anonymous corpse. As the play progresses, a series of unexpected events occur, and the lives of the characters as well as the critics in observation become more and more uncertain…


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Two roads diverged in a wood,

And “We”—“We” took the one less traveled by,

and that made all the difference. 

Beginning with six months of discussions and planning, and the latter six months of endless rehearsals, prop-making, stage, sound, light, costume and make up designing, we have, finally, arrived here on stage. It is an honor to have you here today, at our annual Graduation Play, The Real Inspector Hound.

The Department of Foreign Language and Literature is now sending away her third graduating class. With the professional trainings we received for the past four years, we are confident and fearless in choosing a different path from our predecessors. With an adventurous spirit, we select a challenging Absurdist play, and after endless drops of sweats and tears, we are finally able to present this production in front of you. We hope that you would enjoy the play with pleasure, and when the curtain drops, your generous applause will be the best reward for our year-long cultivation.    

Lastly, I have to respectfully proclaim to, Yifen, who instructed, Sylvia, who did everything she could, the acting team, who had all the patience in the world, and all the designing teams, who brainstormed and sweated: “Thank you for your dedications and sacrifices, each of you has accomplished your tasks wonderfully! Cheers and drink to our health!”




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甚至有時候 我覺得自己是個


Last minute worker,

Down right Pauper

但  沒想到這段時間會讓我累積下這樣的情緒 

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胡適先生真是個聖人不僅頭腦靈光白話文寫的好眼鏡很有型有個好媽媽還說了這句 千古流傳的名言 要怎麼收穫就要怎麼栽這很不容易啊! 不像是從AZ(就是在下)口中說出來的-------都是一些狗屁!!

("肚子好餓! 皮膚好癢? 唉呀不要吵我睡覺! 如果中樂透,是不是可以更宅一點?" )


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一回到台灣就不知為何而忙,早早離開了曼谷,一個人回來台灣獨守32廳的空閨(用錯了吧!),不僅空虛、寂寞,還很冷! (好像九品芝麻官的台詞XD) 隔天,趕著回學校準備第一次的公演大走位,借場地、 喬時間、連絡演員、有的沒的。  這種忙不是萬頭鑽動的,而是孤立無援的...瞎忙。 (其實部分是副導負責規劃聯絡的,而演員們其實也都很配合)

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本屆的畢業公演我們選擇了英國荒謬劇作家,Tom Stoppard於1962年的創作,"The Real Inspector Hound" (偵探兩個扮?!)。這是本系首次選擇非以電影改編之劇本為畢業公演之題材(W.C.),也是我首次擔任英式荒謬劇的導演。

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