不得志的二線戲劇評論家母恩明月(Moon),和前輩 飛鳥 (Birdboot)在倫敦的某劇院裡觀賞一齣偵探劇。


在富有寡婦的鄉間莊園外,濃霧瀰漫,不知名的危險瘋漢在附近逃亡,卻沒人發現家中有一具無名屍體。 一個單純的下午茶,卻被一個介入女人間三角關係的花花公子,以及突然出現的正直探長給攪亂。  




An ambitious second-string theatrical critic, Moon, is watching a mystery play with predecessor and first-string critic Birdboot in London. In the play, an afternoon tea at a wealthy widow’s country manor is disturbed by the treacherous fog of the region. While the heavy mist continually devours the mansion, a dangerous madman approaches the area. A murder has already happened within the manor, though its residents remain completely ignorant of the existence of the anonymous corpse. As the play progresses, a series of unexpected events occur, and the lives of the characters as well as the critics in observation become more and more uncertain…



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